
Web Copy/Social Media/Blogs

Client Ask: Write content about Howl and services offered

Howl Marketing is obsessed with Marketing. Every single aspect of it. Howl is about being a resource for your business – big or small. We have an old-school work ethic with a storyteller’s mindset and approach to strategy and execution. Living in the details is where we shine! We do marketing because we love it. That’s why 94% of our business comes from client referrals. Ready to talk?

We are a data-driven growth partner with years of proven success to implement marketing strategies and campaigns that increase brand awareness, drive web traffic and conversions while promoting customer engagement and retention. Howl Marketing offers full transparency and long-term partnerships, focusing on statistics-based marketing.

Marketing Strategy

The perfect harmony happens when your strategy, brand, and messaging come together to successfully engage and motivate your audience. So how do we get you in-tune with your customers? A marketing strategy considers the right audience and determines where they are, at what time, and which conversion goals can be measured to gauge success. Actions + Data = Harmony


From initial concepts to crafting an identity, mood, tone, and feeling-you dream it, we build it. From producing a logo that embodies your brand to selecting words that speak the language, we believe creating your brand identity and positioning, building a strategic plan, and generating and optimizing appropriate tactics to achieve the goals is the foundation from which all visual communication and marketing materials start.

See how we can help you create the soul of your brand, tells its story and define how it’s articulated.

Email Marketing

Email isn’t dead. It’s one of the few ways to build an authentic connection with humans – the pulse of your business. Our goal is to build an email marketing strategy that will allow you to speak with your current audience, engage with your prospective audience and convert them into customers. Our strategy will help you manage subscribers and create target campaigns based off the users interaction with your content to effectively deliver your message.

Recent Projects

Commercial Script Writing
SEO Copywriting
Marketing/Social Media Copy
Web Content/Social Media Copy
Web Content
Web Copy and Social Media Refresh
Blog Writing
Press Release Article
Buying Guides
Marketing and Web Content
Web Copy/Social Media/Blogs
SEO Copywriting